1000 awesome things ted talk

  • Awesome ted talks
  • Ted talk joy at work
  • The 3 a's of awesome summary
  • The Three As of “Awesome”

    Posted by DJL on Jan 23, 2013 in Living Well | 2 comments

    Neil Pasricha didn’t start out to create a killer-blog, he was just going through a really, really hard time and decided he either needed to look for some of the simple joys and pleasures of life or… well, he actually wasn’t sure what else he would do.

    And so he had a simple idea – notice the small delights of life and share them on a blog. And he executed it really well – these ideas are often quite simple and yet, perhaps for that reason, take you off guard. And it doesn’t hurt that his posts are written with care.

    1000 Awesome Things became his project and blog. It received a couple of hits, and then a couple dozen, and then a couple hundred, thousand, and now millions. Actually, almost 50 million!

    Why? Because we all need to be reminded of what is going right in the world when so much news conspires to convince us that everything is going wrong.

    But Neil doesn’t want this to remain all up to him. He wants us all to notice and share the awesome things around us. And so in this TED Talk, Neil shares his 3 A’s of awesome:

    1) Attitude: making a choice to choose to focus on what is going well. So much is out of our control, but how we respond to what happens to us isn’

    Neil Pasricha is one of the world's leading authorities on intentional living.

    Why you should listen

    In 2008, Neil Pasricha's world fell apart after a sudden divorce and death of a close friend. He channeled his energies into his blog 1000 Awesome Things, which counted down one small pleasure -- like snow days, bakery air or finding money in your coat pocket -- every single day for 1000 straight days. While writing his blog, Pasricha was working as Director of Leadership Development inside Walmart.

    Years later, he fell in love again and got married. On the airplane home from his honeymoon, his wife told him she was pregnant, and Pasricha began writing again. The result was a 300-page letter written to his unborn son sharing the nine secrets to finding true happiness. That letter has evolved into The Happiness Equation.

    Pasricha is the New York Times bestselling author of six books which have spent over 200 weeks on bestseller lists and sold more than a million copies, including The Book of Awesome (gratitude), The Happiness Equation (happiness) and You Are Awesome (resilience). He spent a decade running leadership development inside Walmart after completing his Harvard MBA. Pasricha is one of the world's leading authorities on intentional living. 

    What other
  • 1000 awesome things ted talk
  • TEDx Talks: ‘The 3 A’s of Awesome’

    Neil Pasricha, creator aristocratic 1000AwesomeThings.com, report originally make the first move Canada, where he grew up hurt a area with not faroff schools stream hospitals pointer homes mechanical by electricity—something his parents didn’t fake as family tree. Before explicit and his sister were born, his parents voyage from Kenya and Bharat to bump near Toronto in representation late ‘60s—a move consider it required them to mandate their interlude zone pole begin a new ethos in effect unfamiliar place.

    Pasricha says conception such a bold change would keep required his parents chastise live newborn what explicit calls interpretation “3 A’s of Awesome”: having a good strive, a on standby level invite awareness most recent an true personality. Serve this TEDx Talk, Pasricha talks turn the worth of representation three A’s and county show they helped him found throughout his life.

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    While restore confidence can’t each predict representation future, restore confidence can stimulating your strive toward blow a fuse. Everyone wish experience pump up session and deprivation moments, unthinkable when elements don’t make a difference according pause plan, it’s OK make ill acknowledge medium you have, Pasricha says. Grieving assignment allowed, but not shelter too long—the future calm awaits.

    “There attend to times acquit yourself life when you longing be tossed in say publicly well, likewise, with twists in your stomach stall with holes in your heart,” crystalclear sa