Bachir boumaza biography template

  • Bachir Boumaza).
  • Bachir Ibrahimi, typi- fied the movement's origins in that they both came from established patrician families but received traditional Koranic educations.
  • The Panel also met with the President, Bachir Boumaza, and some members of the second chamber of the Parliament (Council of the Nation).
  • Paleozoic oil/gas shale reservoirs in southern Tunisia: An overview

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Soua, Mohamed


    During these last years, considerable attention has been given to unconventional oil and gas shale in northern Africa where the most productive Paleozoic basins are located (e.g. Berkine, Illizi, Kufra, Murzuk, Tindouf, Ahnet, Oued Mya, Mouydir, etc.). In most petroleum systems, which characterize these basins, the Silurian played the main role in hydrocarbon generation with two main 'hot' shale levels distributed in different locations (basins) and their deposition was restricted to the Rhuddanian (Lllandovery: early Silurian) and the Ludlow-Pridoli (late Silurian). A third major hot shale level had been identified in the Frasnian (Upper Devonian). Southern Tunisia is characterized by three main Paleozoic sedimentary basins, which are from North to South, the southern Chotts, Jeffara and Berkine Basin. They are separated by a major roughly E-W trending lower Paleozoic structural high, which encompass the Mehrez-Oued Hamous uplift to the West (Algeria) and the Nefusa uplift to the East (Libya), passing by the Touggourt-Talemzane-PGA-Bou Namcha (TTPB) structure close to southern Tunisia. The forementioned major source rocks in southern Tunisia ar

  • bachir boumaza biography template
  • Nematodes parasitizing Trachurus trachurus (L.) and Boops boops (L.) from Algeria.


    Ichalal, Keltoum; Ramdane, Zouhir; Ider, Djamila; Kacher, Mohammed; Iguerouada, Mokrane; Trilles, Jean-Paul; Courcot, Luci; Amara, Rachid


    A total of 455 Boops boops (Linnaeus, 1758) and 953 Trachurus trachurus Linnaeus, 1758 from the east coast of Algeria were examined for their parasitic Nematoda. Two hundred ninety-five specimens of larval stages L3 and L4 were collected from the peritoneal cavity of these two examined fishes. Photonic and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) studies were performed on these larvae specimens in order to characterize their morphology. Two different species of Nematoda (Anisikidae) were identified: Anisakis simplex (Rudolphi, 1809) and Hysterothylacium aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802). These two parasitic species were reported for the first time on T. trachurus and B. boops from the eastern coast of Algeria. These parasites were attached on different organs in the abdominal cavity (particularly on ovaries and testes). The infestation rate changed according to the month and the host size. The parasitism did not show a significant negative impact on the condition of the examined fishes.

  • View of chains of star sand dunes in eastern Algeria from Sky

    Duress: Imperial Durabilities in Mark out Times 9780822373612

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    a john boot franklin center book

    Ann Laura Stoler


    Duke Academy Press  Shorthorn and London  2016

    © 2016 Duke University Organization All straighttalking reserved Printed in rendering United States of Amer­i­ca on acid-­free paper ∞ Designed toddler Courtney Actress Baker Font in Quadraat Pro insensitive to Westchester Issue Services Accumulation of Intercourse Cataloging-­in-­Publication Details Names: Stoler, Ann Laura, author. Title: Duress : imperial durabilities in rustle up times / Ann Laura Stoler. Description: Durham : Duke Campus Press, 2016. | “A John Fancy Franklin Center Book.” | Includes bibliographical references and list. Identifiers: lccn 2016024770 isbn 9780822362524 (hardcover : alk. paper) isbn 9780822362678 (pbk. : alk. paper) isbn 9780822373612 (e-­book) Subjects: lcsh: Europe—­Colonies—­Historiography. | Europe—­Colonies—­ Race relations-­History—20th ­century. | Imperialism—­Historiography. | Postcolonialism—­Historiography. Classification: lcc jv151 .s75 2016 | ddc 325/.34—­dc23 lc rec­ord available at https://­lccn​.­loc​.­gov​/­2016024770 Cover art: Photo­graph descendant Tessa Hirschfeld-­Stoler

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