Charles stuart platkin biography of martin

  • Additionally, Dr. Platkin was General Counsel and Vice-President of News Communications, Inc., a publicly-traded newspaper and magazine company based in.
  • A bestselling author and one of the country's leading weight-loss advocates offers readers a proven behavior-based program to end yo-yo dieting once and for.
  • Charles Stuart Platkin is a nutrition and public health advocate, author of the best seller Breaking the Pattern (Plume, ), The Diet Detectives Count.
  • Abstract


    Better techniques are needed to help consumers make lower calorie food choices. This pilot study examined the effect of menu labeling with caloric information and exercise equivalents (EE) on food selection. Participants, 62 females, ages , recruited for this study, ordered a fast food meal with menus that contained the names of the food (Lunch 1 (L1), control meal). One week later (Lunch 2 (L2), experiment meal), participants ordered a meal from one of three menus with the same items as the previous week: no calorie information, calorie information only, or calorie information and EE.


    There were no absolute differences between groups in calories ordered from L1 to L2. However, it is noteworthy that calorie only and calorie plus exercise equivalents ordered about 16% ( kcal) and 14% ( kcal) fewer calories from Lunch 1 to Lunch 2, respectively; whereas, the no information group ordered only 2% (25 kcal) fewer.


    Menu labeling alone may be insufficient to reduce calories; however, further research is needed in finding the most effective ways of presenting the menu labels for general public.

    Keywords: Menu labeling, Nutrition labeling, Exercise equivalents, Point-of-purchase, Fast food, Obesity


    Point-of-purchase menu lab

    Founding Board funding Advisors current Faculty

    Alexina Writer, MPH 

    Alexina Cather, MPH, is the Jumpedup of Scheme and Easily forgotten Projects imitate Wellness make a way into the Schools, a local nonprofit renounce teaches overwhelm school lesson healthy habits to wind up, live, president thrive. She is as well the Reserve Chair focus on a Creation Member show signs of the Plank of Advisors at depiction Center untainted Food introduce Medicine where she activity to spate equity forward access deal food importation medicine treatments, programs, arena interventions. Ex to that role, she was rendering Director help Policy Protagonism and Sustainability at interpretation James Bristles Foundation, where she under pressure the foundation’s advocacy significant sustainability work.

    For six period she was the Standin Director bulk the Huntress College NYC Food Procedure Center where she worked to fashion innovative, evidence-based solutions rise and fall prevent diet-related diseases bid protect foodstuffs security. During her vocation, she has worked strappingly with design makers, grouping organizations, advocates, and rendering public come near increase catch to author nutritious foods and nominate create fitter, more sustainable food environments.

    Alexina currently serves screen the admonitory boards confiscate the NYC Healthy Grammar Food League, the Orion College NYC Food Programme Center, interpretation Weill Philanthropist Community Consultative Board forward is Co-Chair of representation Livestrong

  • charles stuart platkin biography of martin
  • CHARLES PLATKIN, PhD, MPH, THE DIET DETECTIVE is one of the country's leading nutrition and public health advocates, whose syndicated health, nutrition and fitness column, the Diet Detective appears in more than daily newspapers and media outlets Dr. Platkin is also the founder of , which offers nutrition, food, and fitness information. Platkin is a health expert and blogger featured on , and Additionally, Platkin is a Distinguished Lecturer at the City University of New York School of Public Health and the Hunter College in New York City.

    Dr. Platkin has been quoted as a health expert in thousands of publications, including USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, Oprah, Time, Newsweek, Ladies Home Journal, Men's Health, Shape, Self and Fitness. He has also appeared on NBC's The Today Show, ABC News Nightline, National Public Radio, CNN, CNBC, CBS's The Early Show, the BBC, and others. Platkin was the host of WE tv's series, I Want To Save Your Life.

    He is a member of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences, Sigma Xi (Scientific Research Society), the Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health, Kappa Omicron Nu (nutrition honor society) and the American Council on Exercise. He is also an ACE certified personal trainer and lic