Christy essien igbokwe biography templates
With the death of Mrs Christiana Essien-Igbokwe, the Nigerian entertainment world lost a first class performer and arguably one of the most accomplished artistes of her generation. She was also a role model who achieved professional success at a relatively young age yet lived a scandal-free life as a devoted wife and mother.
Fame, it can be said, found Essien-Igbokwe early in life. Having lost her mother at the age of 12, a family friend who became her guardian encouraged and subsequently nurtured her interest in singing. That was to thrust her on the path of a musical career as she became a regular feature on the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Channel 6, Aba musical and entertainment programmes like Ukonu’s Club and Now Sound. When the then running popular sit-com, The Masquerade, was shopping for a suitable actress for the role of the wife of a make-believe garrulous Yoruba man, she effortlessly stepped into the part.
With that, Essien-Igbokwe became better known by her screen name, Apena, the cantankerous wife of Jegede Sokoya (real name, Claude Eke). She retained the role even when The Masquerade morphed into The New Masquerade in the 1980s. But her talent was to shine brighter in music where she became a trailblazer.
At age 16 in 1976, Essien-Igbokwe released her
musical Track Analysys of Writer Essien Igbokwe “Ife”
Accelerando Beograd Journal ticking off Music nearby Dance EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Marijan Maia, Serbia Co-Editor-in-Chief Prnjat Aleksandar, Serbia Managing Editor Liang Deng, Prc Abiodun Femi (Nigeria) Buksikova Olga (Russia) D'Amico Architect (Italy) Delorko Ratko (Germany) Galikowska Gajewska Anna (Poland) Kosik Viktor Ivanovič (Russia) Markovic Vedrana (Montenegro) Mosusova Nadezda (Serbia) Muntanyola-Saura Dafne (Spain) Linksman Fatimah M. (Nigeria) Fast Matthew Spaceman (China) Rana Sayeem (Bangladesh) Silkin Petr (Russia) Sokovikova Natalia Viktorovna (Russia) Talam Jasmina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Zajedova Iivi (Estonia) Counselling BOARD Bayona Tanya (Malta) Gahl Elizabeth (USA/France) Hitch Gerhard Saint Erich (Estonia) Marijan Miloš (Serbia) Shuang Cai (China) ACADEMIC ADVISORS Askovic Dragan PhD (Serbia) Bogunovic Blanka PhD (Serbia) Bralovic Veselinka (Kosovska Mitrovica) Dubljevic Jelena PhD aspirant (Serbia) Markovic Marina PhD (Serbia) Petrovic Milena PhD (Serbia) Uric Nenad MSc (Serbia) Zdravkovic Milovan PhD (Serbia) Accelerando: Belgrade Review of Penalization and Drain Issue 7, February 2022 ISSN: 2466-3913 (online) Lyrical TRACK ANALYSYS OF Writer ESSIEN IGBOKWE “IFE” Emmanuel O. Alemede Department funding Mus
Talk:Christy Essien-Igbokwe