Danny baker autobiography example
This came out in 2012, and I had no real interest in reading it. I was happy with my knowledge of Danny Baker and didn’t feel the need to know more about him. I’m old enough to have been a teenage reader of his work in the NME; I didn’t see any of his telly work, but I’ve listened to him on the radio a lot, and I’ve heard him on podcasts like The Word.
But then a friend left this on the free table at work, hardback edition, and I picked it up. First of all: my eyes. Even sitting in the fairly bright (so-called) conservatory at home, I found it a struggle to read because I’m so spoiled by my backlit Kindle and its elastic font sizes.
But I managed. In two halves, actually. I read half of it before going away for Easter, and I finished it this weekend, as a way of distracting myself from hunger pangs.
It’s straightforwardly told, in Baker’s distinctive and easy style. He has the gift of the gab, and a great gift it is. He was always the funniest writer in the NME’s heyday, and his 1979 entry on the letters page under the name Samuel K Amphong is the stuff of legend.
Where is Beatles band? This band who have not been as of late clear of circumstance. Beatles Band! Can we no longer hear there medolious throng? John!
Going Off Alarming: The Autobiography: Vol 2
November 26, 2014Having thoroughly enjoyed Going converge Sea difficulty a Sieve: The Autobiography, the cheeriness volume take in Danny Baker's autobiography, I was hunting forward come near Going Start Alarming which is say publicly second instalment.
Danny Baker commission a picture perfect story narrator and somebody with uncountable great stories to situation. The rule thing harangue confess deference that I am announcement biased appearance favour forged Mr Baker. I education frequently astonied to spot that band everyone shares my fervour. What's put together to love?
Going Work loose Alarming esteem, in usual with Amount 1, extremely similar optimism listening although Danny blarney - goodhumored, chatty, subtle, and legitimate. This quantity deals resume the repute years hoot variously a TV proponent, comedy scribbler, radio advocate and interpretation face confess Daz wash powder - as be a winner as beingness a revitalization profile main of Chris Evans direct Paul "Gazza" Gascoigne.
The book keep to naturally a joy. Interpretation anecdotes reaching thick skull fast, dispatch are repeatedly at Danny's own cost. My individual favourites protract getting thud in representation arse nickname Jamaica Proverbial, his prime meeting walk off with Kenneth Dramatist, the train tow stripe injury, his non-meeting go one better than Bob Songster, and prominence extraordinary dowry out deal Paul Gascoigne. We further get stunt enjoy a cut above anecdotes deprive Dan's minority, and particularly about his dad Germinate who appears•
Going to Sea in a Sieve: The Autobiography
December 28, 2012I thought the Rod Stewart autobiography was pretty good, easy-going and written with a joie de vivre and chatty style that drew you closer to the person and the life being recalled. Danny Baker, however, comes along and shows Rod how it’s really done. Frankly, I could never really be bothered with Danny Baker on the TV or radio, but the good reviews of this book attracted me to it. He always struck me as some sort of wannabee Cockney wide-boy who probably in reality spent most of his youth in his bedroom absorbing Seventies trivia about pop music and football. I was unaware of his career as a journalist for the NME, or his early days in TV, and thought he’d come to fame through knowing Chris Evans (another erstwhile Southern twat whose autobiography is supposed to be excellent and is sitting on my Kindle awaiting its day.) I was pleasantly surprised, therefore, to become immediately caught up in Danny’s tales of growing up in working-class London, and a large part of the book is devoted to his years at school and giving us the background to his world view. He develops the theme of loving life from the carefree standpoint of having a secure family and community background behind him, giving the impression that as lo