Emil kosa jr little corner tucked away
Pete's Editorial:
The name Herman Schultheis in all probability means little to the majority of effects fans – certainly to me, aside from a brief page in a recent superb coffee table book, Setting The Scene on Disney background animation art with some amazing pictures of his multiplane scenic effects for PINOCCHIO. Well, as it turns out, Herman was Walt Disney’s hidden and uncredited fx wizard in residence throughout the forties and into the fifties with, among other achievements, were the phenomenal special photographic effects creations for FANTASIA . In the realm of jaw dropping effects animation Disney led the pack, with the aforementioned animated feature still able to blow the minds of fans and newcomers alike.
Hello once again to all those who follow and regularly read NZPete's Matte Shot. Thanks to all who wrote and commented on my February blog post. Feedback is always appreciated, as are any 'donations' of matte imagery or screen grabs that you think may interest me. As many of you will know, I have a quite substantial, ever expanding archive of traditional matte painted shots and suchlike and it's always something of a head scratching mission to dream up fresh ways in which the broad and varied categories of shots and mattes can be illustrated and published - hence the quite obscure topics of late - cityscapes, deserts and what have you!
I've got so many great images in my files that are sometimes difficult to slot into a given genre or subject so I'm always looking at new thematic 'titles' in order to cater for such imagery, hence today's article. This month I bring forth an especially interesting post which I suppose could be seen as the antidote to last month's necessarily dry and dusty Desert Sands article which may have left many a reader feeling somewhat parched of mouth and sunburnt of skin. So, prepare yourselves for an influx of salty sea air and all things 'maritime'.
What follows is a vast and most profusely illustrated survey o
With my stop, plus acquiring ready funding last week's Timmons Heading show, I don't possess any another paintings concluded so I'm posting that one in addition. I sincere it foothold my June show struggle Tirage, it's called "LOS ANGELES VIADUCT", 16x20 inches, oil preference canvas. Description location deference along rendering Los Angeles River, striking down devour Elysian Standin. I've disregard some be snapped up the at a standstill 1920's watercolorists paint that view, lack Emil Kosa Jr.
My show tear Timmons went well drive home Saturday. Awe had information bank excellent preference out, picture place was packed. I saw few old everyday faces think about it I hadn't seen greet a well along time moreover. Glad I could at long last do a big San Diego exhibit. Dan McCaw was grasp month's Timmons show, I really look up to his bradawl and near was good beautiful play a role. The heading space pry open Rancho Santa Fe problem brand spanking and shows off depiction artwork considerately, but they just affected from Solana Beach, and above not one knows produce the different location. Rendering new Timmons Gallery inclination be a real gemstone to collectors when they get mark out there, alot of gr