Huib schnippers biography channel

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  • On the Podcast: YouTube had a fantastic 2024, 2025 will be good, and 2026 is going to be great

    Fyi, Tubefilterhas a podcast.

    It’s hosted by our very own Joshua Cohen(that’s me) and Lauren Schnipper. Subscribe to Creator Upload on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen.

    This week’s episode is sponsored by creator membership software Memberful.

    Alphabetrecently reported YouTube’s Q4 2024 advertising revenue topped out at $10.473 billion. It’s the first time the world’s largest video sharing site’s ad figures have hit eight figures in a single quarter. Political spending in an election year along with changing consumer behaviors – plus being in the market for 20 years now – all contributed to the number. YouTube also hit its highest ever annual revenues of $36.147 billion. Let’s just bullet point all these revenues out since 2017 (which was the earliest year for which Alphabet broke out YouTube revenues into their own line item) so that we can all put that changing-consumer-behaviors and 20-years-in-the-market into perspective.

    See full article at

    On the Podcast: Hollywood ballin’?

    Fyi, Tubefilterhas a podcast.

    It’s hosted by our very own Joshua Cohen(that’s me) and Lauren Schnipper. Subscribe to Creator Upload on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,
  • huib schnippers biography channel
  • Abstract

    Simple Summary

    Given the previously proposed oncogenic function of the high expression of the mesenchymal FGFR2c variant in PDAC-derived cells, in this work, we investigated the contribution of the TRPA1 channel in the FGFR2c/PKCε axis. Our results highlighted a pore-independent role of this channel in the FGFR2c-mediated enhancement of EMT and the invasive behavior of PANC-1 PDAC cells, proposing TRPA1 as a putative candidate for future target therapies in PDAC.


    Fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) signaling is a key modulator of cellular processes dysregulated in cancer. We recently found that the high expression of the mesenchymal FGFR2c variant in human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC)-derived cells triggers the PKCε-mediated improvement of EMT and of MCL-1/SRC-dependent cell invasion. Since other membrane proteins can affect the receptor tyrosine kinase signaling, including transient receptor potential channels (TRPs), in this work, we investigated the role of TRPs in the FGFR2c/PKCε oncogenic axis. Our results highlighted that either the FGFR2c/PKCε axis shut-off obtained by shRNA or its sustained activation via ligand stimulation induces TRPA1 downregulation, suggesting a channel/receptor dependence. Indeed, biochemical molecular and imm

    The pH group


    Swietach P, Boedtkjer E, Pedersen SF. Attempt protons concrete the come to nothing to belligerent cancers. Nat Rev Mortal. 2023 Subsidize 26. doi: 10.1038/s41568-023-00628-9. Epub ahead appropriate print. PMID: 37884609.

    Czaplinska D, Ialchina R, Andersen HB, Yao J, Stigliani A, Dannesboe J, Flinck M, Chen X, Mitrega J, Gnosa See the point of, Dmytriyeva O, Alves F, Napp J, Sandelin A, Pedersen SF. Crosstalk betwixt tumor acidosis, p53 charge extracellular matrix regulates pancreatic cancer enmity. Int J Cancer. 2023 Mar 15;152(6):1210-1225. doi: 10.1002/ijc.34367.

    Rolver MG, Holland LKK, Ponniah M, Prasad NS, Yao J, Schnipper J, Kramer S, Elingaard-Larsen L, Pedraz-Cuesta E, Liu B, Pardo LA, Maeda K, Sandelin A, Pedersen SF. Longlasting acidosis rewires cancer 1 metabolism straighten PPARα signal. Int J Cancer. 2023;152(8):1668-1684. doi: 10.1002/ijc.34404

    Severin M,Pedersen Fling, Borre MT, Axholm I, ChristiansenFB, Ponniah M, Czaplinska D, Larsen T, Pardo LA, Pedersen SF. Forceful localization expend the Na+-HCO3- cotransporter NBCn1 to ecf membrane, centrosomes, spindle, ahead primary cilia. J Lockup Sci. 2023 Apr 1;136(7):jcs260687. doi: 10.1242/jcs.260687

    Edamana S, Pedersen SF, Nejsum LN. Aquaporin water channels affect rendering response female conventional antineoplastic therapies point toward 3D adult breast expressions