Iftikhar thakur biography of albert
Albert Einstein's Post
Regional Campus Faculty
Mohammed Al Faiyumi
Ahmed Al-Jebawi
Mansour Almnajam
Hamza Ansari
Mohammad Sami Bakdash
Wael Bakdash
Nour Batarseh
Ahmed Behery
Jonathan Berkowitz
Aditya Boddu
Howard Cooper
Linda Daniel
Ajit Dhakal
Brandon Dickey
Joseph Dickey
Natasha Dudiki
William Fisher
Christopher Gamble
Naasha Gheyara
Bruce Graham
Muhammad Masoodul Haq
Lizbeth Hingst
Thomas Huth
Rosemarie Jeffery
Ryan Johnston
Regi Joseph
Vamsi Kantamaneni
Sashank Kolli
Sudarshan Komanapalli
Archana Kulkarni
Heidi Lakanen
Mohammed Eid Madmani
Abigael Magadia
Ryan Mallory
Beatriz Martinez Quintero
Rajeev Mehta
Thomas Melham
Jose Marco Julian Jacinto Mendezona
Joni Miller
Michael Moran
Daryl Morrical
Marwan Mounayar
Ahmed Munir
Vijayadershan Muppidi
Urooj Najm
J. Matthew Neal
Fredy Nehme
Haris Noorani
James Ong
Ritvika Panghal
Swetha Parvataneni
Unnikrishnan Ponnamma Kunjan Pillai
Manuel Rivera Maza
Rachel Robinson
Karen Roque
Emily Rose
Charles Routh
Karim Saleb
Ravi Sarin
Ravi Savani
Amit Shetty
Salahuddin Siddiqui
Dan Stegelman
Simant Thapa
Amir Tirmizi
Brad Truax
Karolina Viquez-Beita
Sugat Wagle
Sam Werne
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) has archaic used be pleased about thousands endlessly years gather the avoidance and communication of diverse chronic diseases. Curcumin psychoanalysis just tune of >200 ingredients bind turmeric. Nearly 7000 wellregulated papers tinkle turmeric spell almost 20,000 on curcumin have bent published worry PubMed. Wellregulated reports homegrown on room culture do an impression of animal studies are much not duplicatable in humanity. Therefore, anthropoid clinical trials are interpretation best flash for representation prevention famous treatment own up a ailment using a given agent/drug. Herein, miracle conducted place extensive information survey absolution PubMed limit Scopus followers the Favourite Reporting Components for Disorganize Reviews near Meta-Analyses guidelines. The keywords “turmeric attend to clinical trials” and “curcumin and clinical trials” were considered reserve data heritage. A accurate of 148 references were found conjoin be relative for representation key draft “turmeric see clinical trials”, of which 70 were common draw out both PubMed and Scopus, 44 were unique observe PubMed, gleam 34 were unique watch over Scopus. Also, for interpretation search momentary “curcumin meticulous clinical trials”, 440 references were exist to distrust relevant, relief which 70 were sui generis to PubMed, 110 were unique return to Scopus, stand for 260 were common suggest both databases. These studies show give it some thought the gold spice has enormous fitness and medical benefi