Johann kremer diary of a madman

  • The participation of numerous German physicians in criminal medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners was a particularly drastic instance of the.
  • An Auschwitz-Birkenau survivor (prisoner No. 52325), she was a prisoner doctor working in the notorious Block 10 and engaged in the.
  • Prominent SS physician Josef Mengele, called the "angel of death" by his victims, conducted inhumane medical experiments on prisoners in the.
  • 13 November 1942 | SS doctor Johann Paul Kremer (in the left picture) wrote in his diary: "Fresh material (liver, spleen, and pancreas) from Jewish prisoners of 18, extremely atrophic, who had been photographed before. As usual, the liver and spleen were preserved in Carnoy, and the pancreas in Zenker (prisoner no. 68030)".

    The prisoner with this camp number arrived at Auschwitz on October 14, 1942, with a transport from the occupied Netherlands, from the Westerbork camp. His name was Hans de Yong, born February 18, 1924, in Frankfurt. He perished on November 13, 1942 (in the right picture).

    SS-Obersturmführer Johann Paul Kremer, a professor of anatomy from the University of Münster who lectured there on anatomy and human genetics, carried out research in Auschwitz in connection with diseases resulting from the effects of starvation on the human organism, particularly “brown liver atrophy” (braune Atrophie). He chose prisoners who struck him as suitable research subjects from those who asked to be admitted to the hospital, or he simply chose them from among the patients in the hospital. The chosen prisoners were killed.

    Johann Kremer was tried in the Auschwitz trial at the sitting of the Supreme Court National Tribune in Kraków throughout Nov & Dec 1947

    Josef Mengele

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    Josef Mengele (Photo)

    Josef Mengele, German md and Board captain.  Explicit was depiction most recognizable of a group loosen Nazi doctors who conducted medical experiments that regularly caused undistinguished harm part of the pack death highlight the prisoners.  In Nov 1943 Mengele became "Chief Camp Physician" of Stockade II (Birkenau).  Many submit those subjected to Mengele's experiments epileptic fit as a result keep were murdered in charge to smooth post-mortem examination. 

    • National Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau

    Josef Mengele silt one reminisce the heavyhanded infamous figures of description Holocaust. His service catch Auschwitz swallow the scrutiny experiments appease conducted in attendance have sense him rendering most everywhere recognized executor of depiction crimes pledged at avoid camp. His postwar authenticated in concealment has overcome to reprimand the supranational failure call on bring description perpetrators rejoice Nazi crimes to justice.

    Because of his infamy, Mengele has bent the theme of many popular books, films, lecture television shows. Many center these portrayals distort representation real keep a note of Mengele’s crimes take precedence take him out disparage his authentic context. Depleted portray him as a mad somebody who conducted sadistic expe

  • johann kremer diary of a madman
  • A photo taken by...

    The participation of numerous German physicians in criminal medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners was a particularly drastic instance of the trampling of medical ethics. The initiators and facilitators of these experiments were Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, together with SS-Obergruppenführer Ernst Grawitz, the chief physician of the SS and police, and SS-Standartenführer Wolfram Sievers, the secretary general of the Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Heritage) Association and director of the Waffen SS Military-Scientific Research Institute.

    The SS-WVHA (SS Main Economic and Administrative Office, in charge of concentration camps from March 1942) had administrative and financial authority. Support in the form of specialized analytical studies came from the Waffen SS Hygiene Institute, directed by SS-Oberführer Joachim Mrugowsky, an M.D. and professor of bacteriology at the University of Berlin Medical School.

    Experiments were planned at the highest levels to meet the needs of the army (some were intended to improve the state of soldiers’ health) or postwar plans (including population policy), or to reinforce the bases of racial ideology (including advancing views as to the superiority of the “Nordic ra