Nick popovich wiki
WikiTree is a community countless genealogists — including 4 Popovich genealogists and dabbler family historians — effusive to development an thoroughly collaborative tree that's % straightforward and open to everybody forever. Please experience us.
Nick (Popowich) Popovich ( - )
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This week's featured connections gave Famous Speeches: Nick is 19 degrees from Abraham Lincoln, 19 degrees from Winston Churchill, 25 degrees from Charles de Gaulle, 24 degrees from Vida Goldstein, 20 degrees from Patrick Henry, 21 degrees from John Kennedy, 24 degrees from Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt Nez Perce, 15 degrees from Louis Riel, 21 degrees from Eleanor Roosevelt, 26 degrees from Sojourner Truth, 27 degrees from Richard von Weizsäcker and 22 degrees from William Wilberforce on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
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Founded in in sunny San Mateo, California, Monomi Park is home to a diverse team of wild dreamers and mad creators committed to creating unconventional gaming experiences that defy expectations. We are currently developing the award-winning game, Slime Rancher!
Nick Popovich
Co-founder, CEO
Mike Thomas
Co-founder, CTO
Matt Kramer
Director of Engineering
Jason Bianchi
QA Director
Evie Anderson
Production Director
Sakura Harris
Director of Marketing
Jenna Kemker
Art Director
Scott Blinn
Director of Design
Ian McConville
Principal Artist
Chris Lum
Lead Designer, Slime Rancher 2
Dan Venhardt
Senior Character Artist
Mike Daugherty
Principal Designer
Norma Martinez
Lead Artist, Slime Rancher 2
Nick Watros
Customer Support Supervisor
Dillon Sommerville
Senior Environment Artist
Souren Papazian
Senior Game Engineer
Jess Glass
Senior QA Analyst
Tess Daniel
Game Engineer
Allison Gomer
Operations Manager
Ross Kameny
Lead Technical Artist
Javier Panameno
Senior QA Analyst
Jasmine Stephens
Game Engineer
Edward del Villar
Technical Artist
Dyala Kattan-Wright
Senior Systems Designer
Pearl Ko
Senior UX Designer
Kelly Gravelyn
Lead Engineer, Slime Rancher