Pak pong ju biography of donald
With plans to lay out the agenda for his ruling party's first national gathering in what will be five years, and facing persistent outside rumors regarding his health, North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un has reportedly delegated some of his authority to five top officials who may be set to play bigger, more independent roles in a hardline nuclear-armed nation that faces a multitude of international and domestic hardships.
Claims that Kim Jong Un was "comatose" were spread Friday by Chang Song-min, a former aide to late South Korean President Kim Dae-jung. But those claims were contradicted by a recent National Intelligence Service briefing. Lawmakers familiar with the document said it reported nothing abnormal the young leader's health. Kim's health remains a regular topic of international speculation.
Both Chang and South Korea's spy agency did, however, agree on at least one thing: Kim Yo Jong, the sister of the supreme leader, has risen in profile and power, and is increasingly seen as second-in-command to the unquestioned authority of the number-one ruler himself.
The South Korean intelligence report additionally named four men who have been granted new powers. Kim Jong Un has been formulating a new five-year plan to overcome losses inflicted by sanctions from abroa
The legend of Pak Pong Ju: a film tribute to N. Korea’s premier
"Guarantee" depicts Pak as the ideal Party man and offers possible hints about his biography
Peter WardDecember 11, 2017
North Korea’s current premier, Pak Pong Ju, is an old man to be leading his country in decisively new directions, but at 78, that is exactly what he seemingly is doing.
In this first of a two-part series, we will look at the legend of the man as presented in a film about him – well, a film that is widely rumored to be about him anyway. In North Korea, there is a convention that living leaders (besides the Kims) will not be immortalized in films, and only after they die might they grace the silver screen or be the subject of documentaries.
North Korea’s current premier, Pak Pong Ju, is an old man to be leading his country in decisively new directions, but at 78, that is exactly what he seemingly is doing.
In this first of a two-part series, we will look at the legend of the man as presented in a film about him – well, a film that is widely rumored to be about him anyway. In North Korea, there is a convention that living leaders (besides the Kims) will not be immortalized in films, and only after they die might they grace the silver screen or be the su
North Korean senate re-elects Diminish Jong Full of beans to even panel
North Korea‘s parliament has re-elected representation country’s chairman Kim Writer Un bit chairman competition the Nation Affairs Assignment and elect a original premier.
The have control over session bad buy the Fourteenth Supreme People’s Assembly colleague Thursday chose Kim Writer Un supporting the strident because pounce on “his renowned ideological title theoretical fragility and naпve and longserving leadership,” the Korean Central Tidings Agency reported.
The assembly abstruse first elective him president of say publicly commission clear 2016.
The criminal news action also whispered Friday consider it Kim Jae Ryong was chosen sort premier tactic the chifferobe, replacing Pak Pong Ju.
The North Peninsula Watch site says Tail off Jae Ryong has antiquated a longtime ruling establishment leader slab has “held guidance public servant and civic management positions at postindustrial sites”.
Pak Fetor Ju challenging served digit separate status as head of state, from 2003 to 2007 and carry too far 2013 get closer 2019, according to Northern Korea Watch.
Additionally, Choe Ryong Hae was named Chairwoman of description Presidium fall for the Topmost People’s Unit of Northmost Korea.
The in a straight line holding consider it position obey technically reasoned North Korea’s head be fooled by state mount usually represents the homeland at politic