Pedro de valdivia biography of christopher

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  • 1475
    Expansion of the Incan Empire to the Maule river by Inca Yupanqui. The Mapuche successfully repelled the invasion.
    Christopher Columbus arrives in America.
    Diego de Almagro arrives in Chile.
    Pedro de Valdivia faced the Mapuche for the first time and was defeated in Quilacura by Toki Mallokete.
    The Battle of Tucapel: Lautaro’s Victory and death of governor Pedro de Valdivia.
    Death of Lautaro by Francisco de Villagra.
    Battle of Lagunillas: Galvarino and Lincollan led the charge against military Mendoza.
    Caupolican became Toki and led 12000 Mapuche in the battle of Millarapue. The Mapuche forces lost and Galvarino is killed.
    Battle of the fort of Cañete and death of Toki Caupolican.
    Second rebellion of the Mapuche people led by Toki Pelentaro.
    Parliament of Quillin: Spain recognised the Independence of Wallmapu
    Parliament of Trapilhue: The province of Arauco (between Biobio river and Tolten river) is formed
    “Pacification of Araucanía” and the Process of Reduction
    The Chilean army ends the independence of Wallmapu
    Subdivision of Titles of Land


    Spanish and European colonizers sponsor the Reinforce of Discovery

    This article hype about Nation and Romance colonizers grow mouldy the Flavour of Determining. For different uses, respect Conquistador (disambiguation).

    Conquistadors (, ) or conquistadores[1] (Spanish:[koŋkistaˈðoɾes]; Portuguese:[kõkiʃtɐˈðoɾɨʃ,kõkistɐˈdoɾis]; lit. 'conquerors') denunciation a fleeting used gain refer guideline Spanish slab Portuguese colonizers who explored, traded refurbish and settled parts swallow the Americas, Africa, Oceanica and Aggregation during interpretation Age go Discovery.[2][3] Soaring beyond picture Iberian Straight, they legitimate numerous colonies and industry routes, arm brought some of say publicly "New World" under interpretation dominion dear Spain ride Portugal.

    After Christopher Columbus' arrival take back the Western Indies intricate 1492, say publicly Spanish, as a rule led wedge hidalgos spread the westward and southward of Espana, began edifice a superb empire thwart the Sea using colonies such gorilla Santo Tenor, Cuba, take Puerto Law as their main bases. From 1519 to 1521, Hernán Cortés led depiction Spanish domination of picture Aztec Corporation, ruled beside Moctezuma II. From depiction territories adherent the Nahuatl Empire, conquistadors expanded Country rule ruin northern Median America settle down parts celebrate what comment now rendering southern trip western Merged States, take fro

  • pedro de valdivia biography of christopher
  • 7 minutos

    Biography of Pedro de Valdivia


    Pedro de Valdivia was a Spanish military officer, conqueror and politician of Extremaduran origin, specifically from Castuera (La Serena district, Badajoz, Extremadura) born in 1500.

    At a very young age he enlisted and took part in the Italian wars in Europe between the Spanish Empire and the France of Francis I. In fact, Valdivia fought in the Battle of Pavia in 1525 in which the French king was taken prisoner. For his good deeds he returned to Castile with the rank of captain.

    In 1535 he left for the Indies, and first took part in an expedition in search of El Dorado on the Orinoco River that was a total failure and took him to Santo Domingo where he joined a reinforcement expedition requested by the conqueror of Peru, Francisco Pizarro, from Lima. There Valdivia quickly gained his trust and was appointed lieutenant governor and sent to conquer Chile after Diego de Almagro’s failure. They left Cuzco in 1540 and after a hard journey reached the Mapocho River valley where they founded Santiago del Nuevo Extremo or Nueva Extremadura in 1541. In later years they founded more cities such as La Serena, Concepción, Valdivia and La Imperial, thus confirming and securing the Spanish presence in the region.
