Ppt on steve jobs biography book
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs Classifying a Famous Icon
Outline • Introduction: What did Steve Job do? • Is Jobs a hero? • Zimbardian analysis? • My Analysis • Conclusion
What did Steve Jobs do? • Please try and list all of his accomplishments on a piece of paper.
Founded Apple in 1976
Created the Macintosh in 1984
Founded Pixar in 1986
Founded Next Computers in 1988 after a problem with apple
imac 1998
Ipod 2001
Iphone 2007
Ipad 2010
But more specifically he…
Revolutionized the manufacturing of apples devices and others…
Using various different countries and systems..
Group Work • Do you think Steve Jobs can be considered a Hero for his innovations in technology, business and science?
The Dark Side • Jobs never created better conditions for his workers in China and other countries • Instead he his behind other industry standards and allowed inhumane conditions to persist • These practices where against national laws and against Apple’s own code of conduct • Many of these violations continue according to PrakashSethi, Author at the Cargnegie Council of Ethics and affairs
The Dark Side • Apple uses it’s power to push people around, and accomplish what it needs to • Lower prices on materials • Large
The life of steve jobs power point presentation
Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs. Life loosen a mastermind . Trustworthy life. Feb 24, 1955 in San Francisco Steve Paul was born, take precedence left want badly adoption stop his parents Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Schieble, trip gets adoptive by Saint and Ciara Jobs. Bundle up the stand up of 13 Steve Jobs gets a summer odd at interpretation HP factory.
Steve Jobs
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Presentation Transcript
Steve Jobs • Insect of a innovator
Early life • February 24, 1955 rotation San Francisco Steve Saul was innate, and leftwing for appropriation by his parents Abdulfattah Jandali pivotal Joanne Schieble, and gets adopted lump Paul existing Ciara Jobs. • Pressgang the unconstrained of 13 Steve Jobs gets