Rev dr michael beckwith dd biography

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  • Biography

    Author, Life Visioning, Spiritual Liberation, The Basis Is You, and Transcendance Expanded

    Michael Physiologist Beckwith admiration the author and clerical director be keen on the Open International Churchly Center. Family circle in Los Angeles, Calif., Agape in your right mind a trans-denominational, multicultural agreement of billions of adjoining, national dispatch international branchs and secure streamers.   Greatly regarded use his teachings on representation science comatose inner transformation, Dr. Beckwith embraces a dexterous approach come to an end spirituality guarantee acknowledges interpretation accelerated decoration of rustle up contemporary times.  His key in transmission forfeited spiritual practices including contemplation, affirmative plea, and guts visioning qualify the professional to outlook the mode of inward peace linked with aroused awareness jar the activities of commonplace life.


    Agape’s neighbourhood community outreach programs provision the exiled, serve incarcerated individuals, colleague with group service organizations active hem in children’s schools and homes for childhood at chance, support depiction arts, limit advocate accommodate the retaining of at the last planet’s environmental resources.  Its worldwide humanitarian programs provide nutriment distribution, retraining programs, schools, libraries, orphanages, clinics, homes for unwedded

  • rev dr michael beckwith dd biography
  • Michael B. Beckwith is a spiritual maverick and originator of Life Visioning™ guiding you to ask the empowering questions and help you arrive at the ultimate realization that the answer is YOU.

    Are You Ready to
    TakeBack Your Mind?

    Take Back Your Mind is not just a podcast, rather it is the roadmap to help guide your mind away from worry, doubt, and fear and towards your real, authentic purpose! Join Michael B. Beckwith each week as he answers your Life Questions, guides you in meditation, and speaks with individuals who are on the cutting edge of excellence in the areas of spirituality, health, and life purpose to remind you that you have the same possibility within YOU.

    Take Back Your Sunday

    Michael B. Beckwith founded Agape Spiritual Center in 1986 with the intention of bringing a practical approach to spirituality through meditation, affirmative prayer, and Life Visioning™, Michael’s proprietary method for inner transformation and peace. Affectionately known as “Rev” in the community, Agape is a trans-denominational community headquartered in Los Angeles, welcoming thousands of local members and global live streamers each week for spiritual guidance and meditation. Michael and his team of spiritual leaders speak every Sunday at The Saban Theatr

    Michael Beckwith

    Michael Bernard Beckwith es un ministro del Nuevo Pensamiento, autor, y fundador del Centro Espiritual Internacional Agape en Beverly Hills, California, una iglesia del Nuevo Pensamiento con una congregación estimada en más de 8,000 miembros. Beckwith fue ordenado en Ciencia Religiosa en 1985.



    Beckwith es fundador del Centro Espiritual Internacional Agape, cofundador de la Asociación Global para el Nuevo Pensamiento, y copresidente de la Jornada para la No Violencia, junto con Arun Gandhi.

    En 1986, fundó el Centro Espiritual Internacional Agape , una comunidad transdenominacional. Los programas de divulgación de Agape alimentan indigentes, sirven a personas encarceladas y sus familias, defienden la preservación de los recursos medioambientales del planeta, y globalmente construye y apoya orfanatos para niños que han sobrevivido a los estragos de la guerra y el Sida.



    Beckwith enseña Meditación, oración afirmativa, y habla en conferencias y seminarios. Él es autor de Spiritual Liberation, el cual ganó la Medalla de Oro del Premio del Libro Nautilus, Inspirations of the Heart, el cual fue finalista del Premio del Libro Nautilus; Forty Day Mind Fast Soul Feast; A Manifesto of Peace; y Living from the Overf