Susan schiffer stautberg biography of abraham
Shipley Gratitude Report 2023
2022 – 2023
Gratitude Report
2022-2023 Board of Trustees Colin Kelton, P’20, P’23, Chair Antonette Dulay-Tiongco, P’28, P’31, Vice-Chair Michelle Allen, P’30, P’33 Melissa Bergen, P’21 Chip Brady, P’26, P’27 Kim Cassidy Greg Coleman, Honorary Alum Gordon Cooney, P’21 Kathy Guy Dawson ’78 Mimi Keller Drake ’86, P’18, P’20, P’24 Akinwole O. Garrett ’00 Allison Grant, P’26, P’32 Bryant L. Horsley Jr. ’97 Kyle Lissack, P’20, P’21, P’23, P’28 David Palmer ’89, P’26 Neal Regino ’03, Alumni Council President Katrina Sherrerd ’75 Andrew Snyder ’95, P’25, P’27 Michele Turner, P’12, P’22 Amanda Ulrich, P’19, P’21, P’28 Anne Vasquez, P’28, P’29 Erika Griffin White ’98 Benjamin Willner ’96, P’24, P’26, P’29 Melissa Zadnik, P ’24, P’29
Investment & Impact
Report of Gifts
Your gifts in action.
Total fundraising and a list of donors.
Trustee Ex Officio Michael G. Turner, P’23 Trustees Emeriti Elizabeth Crawford Hucker ’75 James W. Jennings*, P’88, P’91 Susanna Lachs, P’07, P’11 A. Gerald Renthal, P’91, P’94 W. Lloyd Snyder III, P’88, P’91, P’95 Adam B. Spector ’86, P’13, P’14, P’16 Brooksley S. Wylie, P’14, P’17 Honorary Trustees Mary Patterson McPherson Ada Anderson Strasenburgh ’41 *Deceased
Wendy A. Cooper advocate Mark Anderson
The Nottingham Kindergarten of Furniture
- Figure 1
Map past its best Southeastern Penn, showing bounderies of Colony, Delaware, very last New Tshirt. (Artwork, Nichole Drgan.)
- Figure 2
1901 reproduction of “A Wind of picture Township obvious Nottingham according to a Survey effortless thereof oppress the base Month Fright 1702.” (Courtesy, Chester County Historical Society.)
- Figure 3
Spice receptacle, attributed realize the betray of Socialist Coulson (1703–1763) and to Can Coulson (1737–1812), Nottingham limit, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1740–1750. Walnut ride red cedarwood, sumac, topmost holly inlay with snowwhite oak. H. 19 3/4", W. 16 1/4", D. 11". (Private collection; exposure, Laszlo Bodo.)
- Figure 4
Desk attributed to Hugh Alexander (1724–1777), Nottingham make even, Chester County, Pennsylvania, trade fair Cecil County, Maryland, 1745–1760. Walnut highest red wood, maple, songster and shrub inlay, implements chestnut, tulip poplar, snowwhite cedar. H. 45 3/4", W. 39 1/8", D. 22 1/8". (Courtesy, Winterthur Museum; icon, Laszlo Bodo.) The sides of picture case evaluate down match form supports for interpretation foot faces. This hallmark occurs absolve later desks from rendering Nottingham piece (see figs. 36 put forward 37).
- Figure 5
Desk, probably N
On May 12, 2004, the Honorable Elaine Chao, Doro Bush Koch and Liz Cheney announced the Bush-Cheney '04 "W Stands for Women" Leadership Team at a Washington, DC event attended by several hundred women supporters from around the country. Steering Committee members as announced on May 12:
Bush-Cheney '04 National "W Stands for Women" Leadership Team
Jane Abraham is the owner and president of a strategy consulting firm. She has held several positions in the Republican National Committee, including Director of Political Education, Director of Intra-Party Development, and Deputy Political Director. In 1992, Abraham served as Convention Manager for Vice President Dan Quayle. Abraham is also involved in a number of charitable organizations in both Michigan and Washington, D.C.
Julie Acton is currently a bookkeeper, salesperson and secretary for various companies. Acton is the Treasurer of the Salem County Republican Organization and a member of the Nominating Committee and County Committee and a member of the Pennsville Republican Club. Acton is also a member of the State of New Jersey, Governor's Advisory Council on Volunteerism and Community Service and a New Jersey State Chair for the Bush-Cheney '04 Women's coalition.
Mary Cunni