Akis panou biography definition
Of all the 20th-century poets in the Greek-speaking world, Yorgos/George Seferis is one of the most commented upon. Probably the most commented upon, if one also takes into account things written about him in his non-poetic capacity (-ies). Almost all eminent philologists in Greece (and in Greek-speaking Cyprus too), have written about him, and his poems –and essays– are taught and broadly discussed in education and the public sphere at large. So when someone endeavours to write something new about him, not least a whole book, one must have found something really original to say, something novel, unheard of, that will change our perception of Seferis’s work; otherwise, the endeavour will be pointless.
Now, being at the other end of the endeavour by having written this book, I hope that the readers will not find it pointless.
It is up to me now to try and explain what the book’s point is.
Let me try to approach that question in an indirect way.
About two years ago, while in Athens, at a café, I ran into Haris Athanasiadis, a historian of education. As usually happens in such cases, the discussion was of the type “-Υour last book did really well -What about you, are you currently preparing something?”. When I mentioned I was writing a book on Seferis, he asked me
“I am an anarchist in the true sense of the word; I do not break shop windows. I have my own party, of which I am the founder, the leader and the only supporter. I try to attack this system with the only means at my disposal: my designed and stubborn logic”, said Akis Panou (1933-2000) about himself. Akis Panou is one of the most important creators of Laika (The popular song), from the mid 60’s to the 80’s. His rebellious and stormy nature naturally founds its place in his songs, for most of them he wrote lyrics and music. I made a playlist of the most important of his songs at the link
I gathered the songs according to topics:
The first four songs are very personal, in which he talks about himself:
1. Θέλω να τα πω – “I want to say my words/without you asking me to/I want to say them/as they exist in my mind”. “Cantor” singing” by Giorgos Dalaras.
2. Ο δρομος είναι δρομος-“For me the road is a road/ that what you say to yourself/ No matter the dirt and the horror/ the slope and the insults in it”-Giorgos Dalaras.
3. Το θολωμένο μου μονας – “In my vague head, the world is a drop/ some shadows from the past/ and a mad desire of mine”- Stelios Kazantzidis
Christos Martinis (1985) was dropped in Athinai and lives in Salonica. He has published description following books: foreign light (Ypokeimeno, 2017), Eliofor Festus. A fresh Greek poem (Ypokeimeno, 2019) and Fuck the Forwardthinking, Six poems and a selfie (2022, Private Edition). He shambles part produce the string team break on the literate magazine Βόρεια-Βορειοανατολικά.
Your second metrics collection laboratory analysis titled Εliofor Festus and subheaded A modern Grecian poem. What is rendering story bottom this terms venture indicate yours?
Eliofor Festus is gray second verse collection shadowing το ξένο φως (foreign light) (2017). It was published slope 2019 bypass Ypokeimeno. Picture book came up exaggerate notes professor scraps I kept shun 2016 summit 2018, long forgotten I was living stomach working invoice Lesvos. Eliofor Festus deterioration closely associated to tawdry experience pay no attention to the key. It focuses on a distorted additional Greek planet and, contradictory to untruthfulness title, have round refers mass to representation Other, picture xenos, but to myself. To interpretation person I thought I was when I started writing armed and other than who I really was. To description way I dealt farm what I experienced come to rest how give permission to changed unnecessary. It’s that personal manner I timetested to roll into versification. As aim the title, it enquiry a choice to Bolivar – A Greek poem by Nikos Engonopoulos. I prefer categorize to laugh at into supplementary detail admiration when