September 2013 holidays list

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  • Public holidays in the United States

    Holidays in the United States of America

    For other uses, see Public holidays in the United States (disambiguation).

    In the United States, public holidays are set by federal, state, and local governments and are often observed by closing government offices or giving government employees paid time off. The federal government does not require private businesses to close or offer paid time off, as is the case for most state and local governments, so employers determine which holidays to observe.

    Several federal holidays are widely observed by private businesses with paid time off. These include New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Businesses often close or grant paid time off for New Year's Eve, Christmas Eve, and the Day after Thanksgiving, but none of these are federal holidays. Other federal holidays are less widely observed by businesses. Most federal holidays are celebrated on a Monday or Friday to create a three-day weekend.

    Christmas is the only religious holiday that is a federal holiday. Some businesses allow religious employees to take paid time off for religious observances.

    Other holidays, such as Halloween and Valentine's Day, are widely celebrated in the United States

    1 JanTuesdayNew Year's DayFederal Holiday 4 JanFridayWorld Pedagogue DayWorldwide Observance 6 JanSundayEpiphanyChristian 7 JanMondayOrthodox Christmas DayOrthodox 7 JanMondayInternational Programmers' DayWorldwide Observance 8 JanTuesdayBattle catch the fancy of New OrleansState Legal HolidayLouisiana14 JanMondayOrthodox Fresh YearOrthodox 18 JanFridayLee-Jackson DayState HolidayVirginia19 JanSaturdayRobert Attach. Lee's BirthdayState Legal HolidayFlorida19 JanSaturdayConfederate Heroes' DayState HolidayTexas20 JanSundayWorld Dogma DayWorldwide Observance 20 JanSundayInauguration DayFederal HolidayDC, MD*, VA*20 JanSundayInauguration DayState HolidayDC21 JanMondayMartin Theologist King Jr. DayFederal Holiday 21 JanMondayRobert Fix. Lee's BirthdayState HolidayAL, Fine, MS21 JanMondayIdaho Human Up front DayState HolidayIdaho21 JanMondayCivil Forthright DayState HolidayArizona, New Hampshire24 JanThursdayThe Prophet's BirthdayMuslim 26 JanSaturdayTu Bishvat/Tu B'ShevatJewish holiday 26 JanSaturdayInternation
  • september 2013 holidays list





             BANK HOLIDAYS  AS NOTIFIED  BY  IBA under Negotiable Instruments Act  for THE YEAR 2013 FOR DIFFERENT STATES IN INDIA - State Wise Links Are Given Below.  These are also called 'Gazetted  Holidays under NI Act'


    (Links have been received for most of the States, except for Islands and North East States.  For these remaining States, final updated  links  will be provided as and when Details are Available from IBA)



    This Bank holiday files relates to year 2013.   In case you are looking for Bank Holidays for 2014, then Click Here



    Click Here For Holidays for Central Government Employees in India : Gazetted Central Govt  Holidays 2013



    Click Below on the Name of the State for Which You Wish to View Holidays As Declared by Respective States and Notified by IBA to Banks (These are also called Public Holidays by most of the states)




    Union Territories



    Disclaimer : We have compiled t