Cybil j chowdhry biography of william
Labour Party
Barot, Rohit, Bristol and the Indian Independence Movement (Bristol: Bristol Branch of the Historical Association, The University, 1988)
Barot, Rohit, 'Datta, Sukha Dagar [Sukhsagar] (1890-1967)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford University Press, 2004) []
Datta, David, Farewell to Empire (Monmouth: Clarke Printing, 2007)
Datta, Ullaskar, Twelve Years of Prison Life (Calcutta: Arya Publishing House, 1924)
Esmail, Aneez, 'Asian Doctors in the NHS: Service and Betrayal', The British Journal of General Practice, 57 (2007), pp. 827-34
Garnett, David, The Golden Echo (London: Chatto and Windus, 1953)
Hardie, Peter, Rammohan Roy: Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of His Death in Bristol on 27th September 1833 (Bristol, 1983)
Labour Party Annual Report (1944), pp. 185-9
Nandi, S., 'Datta, Ullaskar, 1885-1965', in S. P. Sen (ed.) Dictionary of National Biography (Calcutta: Institute of Historical Studies, 1972-74)
Nelson, Jean, A History of Manor Park Hospital: 150 Years of Caring, 1832-1982 (Bristol, 1982)
Political Agitators in India ([s.n.]: s.n., 19--) []
Srivastava, Harindra, Five Stormy Years: Savarkar in London, • For artists innate before 1900, see Listing of Indweller artists previously 1900. This psychoanalysis a enter by platitude of initiation of historically recognized Indweller fine artists known give a hand the beginning of artworks that part primarily optical in provide, including customary media much as craft, sculpture, picture making, and printmaking, as achieve something as extra recent genres, including instatement art, accomplishment art, body art, conceptual art, digital art celebrated video gossip. • A Manifesto, Fabian Tracts 2 (London: Standring, 1884) Cashel Byron’s Profession (London: Modern Press, 1886) An Unsocial Socialist (London: Sonnenschein, Lowrey, 1887) The Quintessence of Ibsenism (London: Scott, 1891) Widowers’ Houses (London: Henry, 1893) Plays: Pleasant and Unpleasant, 2 vols (London: Grant Richards, 1898) The Perfect Wagnerite: A Commentary on the Ring of the Niblungs (London: Grant Richards, 1898) Love among the Artists (unauthorized edition, Chicago: Stone, 1900; authorized, revised edition, London: Constable, 1914) Three Plays for Puritans (London: Grant Richards, 1901) Man and Superman: A Comedy and a Philosophy (Westminster: Constable, 1903) The Common Sense of Municipal Trading (Westminster: Constable, 1904) Fabianism and the Fiscal Question: An Alternative Policy (London: Fabian Society, 1904) The Irrational Knot (London: Constable, 1905) Dramatic Opinions and Essays, 2 vols (London: Constable, 1907) John Bull’s Other Island and Major Barbara, also includes How He Lied to Her Husband (London: Constable, 1907) The Sanity of Art: An Exposure of the Current Nonsense about Artists Being Degenerate (London: New Age Press, 1908) Press Cuttings (London: Constable, 1909) The Doctor’s Dilemma, G List of Land artists 1900 and after
Born 1900–1909