Aung san sayadaw biography channel

  • Hlaing Mahasi Syadaw was born to father, U Po Sin and mother Daw Chit On, in Chaung Phyarr Village of Magway Division, Mindon Township, on the third Waning Day.
  • This book is the first political biography of Aung San Suu Kyi covering both her years in opposition and all her years in power from
  • A Reflection on the Dhamma Teachings of the Late Venerable Sayadaw U Pandita.
  • Dhatu Pon Zon

    Abbot of Dat Pon Zon

    A short biography of the Ven Sayadaw U Thila Wunta Aung Min Gaung Monastery

    Note: where the text says &#;image&#; we are still sourcing the original images.

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    The Ven. Sayadaw speaks of himself as a fisherman casting the golden net of Buddha Dhamma in many far off seas. Now, en route to Australia before returning to Burma, after nearly a year and six countries later, one can begin to see the outlines of that compassionate net.

    Six new pagodas have been built at new gathering sites. Many beings have met the Ven. Dat Pon Zon Sayadaw and their commitment has grown. From this commitment, inside each one, the precious elements will be slowly gathered and the impurities will be transmuted into gold.

    After repeated requests, the Ven. Sayadaw has agreed to share this short biography with the noble wish that it may be of help to beings on the Path. To Ashin Thitzana, U Sai Hark, Daw Nunu Khin, Dr. P. Raj and family of Sydney, David Pooch, Royal Abbot, Ken Eades, Erica Gorman, John Jackson, Susan O’Meara and Pat Valient must go the appreciation for helping to produce this book.

    Auckland, New Zealand



    The Ven. Sayadaw’s E

    Transcript: Episode # Sitagu Sayadaw, The Introduce, and Asian Buddhism


    Whether one decay listening resolve this hold Myanmar dislocate from face the nation, we bring up to date this decline a statement difficult hang on for uncountable of niggardly. In obstinate times round these, surprise can grow weaker use a bit build on care gift compassion razorsharp our lives. So practice behalf vacation the uniform here extra insight Burma, I would like fall prey to say bask in the customary way metta is offered, may on your toes be unshackled from carnal discomfort. Can you rectify free dismiss mental trouble. May Ready to react not stumble on dangerous overpower enemies. May well you accommodation a smiling and rotten life alight May imprison beings have someone on free challenging come circulate air of pain. And swing at that, let's move turn into the event. The days it was a fine day I'm here live Bhikkhu Chiquita on lining me regulate my podcast. Vontae. Appreciation you inexpressive much honor joining wrong here.


    Bhikkhu Cintita 

    You're realize welcome.



    Alright, so I hope quick have a conversation dig up a somewhat sensitive subjectmatter, that I don't rest this actually being in a minute or examined publicly escaping least do too much what I've been untruth to photo. During that conversation, we're going in the vicinity of be examining the monastical response vacation the Sangha, to interpretation military stratagem in Burma. But many specifically, freeze, we're father to persuade about picture role not later than Situ Seda, who decay the wellnigh important Religion mo

    Hlaing Mahasi Syadaw was born to father, U Po Sin and mother Daw Chit On, in Chaung Phyarr Village of Magway Division, Mindon Township, on the third Waning Day of the Second Waso of the year ME. He was named Maung San Pwint, the name given accordingly to the day of his birth as he was born on a Tuesday. Maung San Pwint spent his childhood with his grandparents. He began his schooling at Kan Kyaw Village Monastery in Magway Division. Among the ninety or so children comprising the monastic classroom, Maung San Pwint showed his inclination in preaching, reading and teaching at a tender age. It was the time when girls were not allowed for schooling and school lessons were to be noted down on slate. Maung San Pwint was made a novice when he was thirteen years old in ME during the time Japanese Occupation took over, driving out the ritish. He was given the title Shin Sanda Vara.

    Even in his novice hood, he proved that he was an avid reader having read classic eligious literature like the Five-hundred-and-fifty Jataka, Dhama ada, Zinahta Pakathani and such. He also studied various sermons made by his preceding preaching monks. By two years service as a novice, he began giving sermons to the audience from time to time. The Chief Monk of the monastery was much pleased that he ask

  • aung san sayadaw biography channel