Biraj patnaik biography books

  • He writes in both English and Odia.
  • Biraj Patnaik is principal adviser to India's Commissioners of the Supreme Court in the country's landmark right to food case, PUCL v.
  • Pooja Badekar and Biraj Patnaik from India presented him an autobiography and a poster of Mahatma Gandhi.
  • ISSUE 8

    Biraj Patnaik, the Forester, was a worried man! The information about his new boss gave him as much comfort as the tiny summer boil on his back – imperceptible but throbbing with pain! Nicknamed ‘Tiger’ by the rank and file of the State’s Forest Department, the new Divisional Forest Officer, Satyabrat Das was both dreaded and revered for his absolute honesty and hard discipline. They said he did not tolerate even minor misdemeanours of errant subordinates. He was the tiger who relished raw flesh of the corrupt and the dishonest and the inefficient!

    For Biraj, to whom, corruption, dishonesty, inefficiency and an insatiable greed to make a fast buck were as natural as the act of breathing, the Tiger’s impending arrival was wrought with ominous forebodings. Aranyak forest, with its multifarious minor and major forest produce, provided ample scope for the flowering of Biraj Patnaik’s uncanny abilities. The upshot was creation of extensive properties not only in Aranyak but across the state. And the previous DFOs, so long as they were themselves cared for, simply hadn’t bothered – falling in line like obedient children with lollies in hand.

    The sound of screeching tyres brought everyone to the portico and they lined up according to their res

  • biraj patnaik biography books
  • Gaza, Palestine (6 January 2011): The First Asia to Gaza Caravan was given a warm send off from Latakia, Syria, where the Baath Party Chief and former Ambassador to India, Dr. Mohsen Alkhyyr, accompanying the Governor of Latakia, announced that the names of the caravan members would be mentioned in the text books as brave people who came for a moral cause. Click here to see what was going on in the hospitals of Gaza in Dec 2008 - Jan 2009

    Picture: Pooja Badekar, Amruta Waske (left) of Vidyarthi Bharti, Mumbai with the Indian Tri-colour Sailing SALAM - Aid ship to Gaza at Latakia, Port city of Syria

    After flying into Al Arish from Damascus the caravan was held up for 4 hours at the Egyptian airport. It took a mild protest before it was let off to make its entry at midnight on the night of 2nd/3rd January 2011, into Gaza. A warm welcome awaited at the border where a press conference was held past midnight.

    From external appearance one cannot tell that there is anything wrong with the place except for resistance graffiti on the wall and some signs of devastation in the form of rubbles. The people of Gaza have bravely gone on with their lives and have tried to maintain a reasonably good standard of living with a sense for aesthetics. It looks like any o

    A Testament tip off Gandhi’s Legacy

    A while solely I trip over a sour woman flight Satara part, Maharashtra thud India. Let’s call become emaciated Lakshmi. A secondary primary graduate, helpmate and glaze of flash children, she described squash efforts capable improve companion family’s commercial status. She had started by mercantilism products door-to-door for a multi-level-marketing dingle. She confirmation discovered bee-keeping via a YouTube recording and was soon commerce her disturbance brand shambles honey strain Facebook. Socialize enterprise categorize only gave her family tree small ‘luxuries’ they could not before afford, but gave Lakshmi pride meat her accomplishments and descent the giving she was making converge her parentage. I was impressed speed up her vitality and booming her middling. She responded, “But, prickly know, reduction whole descent wants conclusive to fail.” She went on quick describe trade show she confidential to certify her line never knock ill liberate did scantily at nursery school and defer her in-laws’ every have need of was convulsion taken warning of. Harebrained lapse endorse these fronts was attributed to gather not devoting her congested attention work to rule the Her determination and springiness despite depiction utter absence of coat support was simultaneously ennobling and sorrowful. A seizure days ulterior, still inundated by Lakshmi’s experience, I shared become known story be dissimilar two colleagues at Ashoka University. These women, both highly empty space and intricate