Don greif phd in education

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  • The First Woman to Get a Ph.D. in Computer Science From MIT

    Irene Greif always thought she'd be a teacher. "For one thing," she told me, "I'd been told by my mother that it was good to be a teacher because you just worked the hours your kids were in school and you could come home." It had just always been the profession in the back of her mind, the default.

    So then it must have been a bit of a shock when, after in 1975 becoming the first woman ever to receive a Ph.D. in computer science from MIT, Greif discovered that she didn't really enjoy teaching—she much preferred research. And so eventually she left teaching as a professor and did what she did best: studying, thinking, and figuring systems out. She founded a research field, computer-supported cooperative work, and has spent her life figuring out how to build better systems for humans to work together.

    Greif recently retired from IBM, where she'd been since the mid-'90s, and is hoping to devote some time to encouraging young women to go into STEM fields and coaching them to stick with them—a twist on teaching that she does genuinely like.

    I spoke with Greif recently about her experience as a young woman in a field with so few other women, about how things changed during the course of her career, and for what advice sh

    Our Faculty

    The Supervisors of Psychotherapy listed below are qualified to supervise candidates’ work under the aegis of the psychotherapy requirement. In addition, they may supervise candidates who conduct psychotherapy pursuant to the Clinic Fellowship.

    Ana Rosa Aboitiz, LCSW
    Carol Albert, Ph.D.

    Andrew J. Anson, M.D.
    Bonnie Aronowitz, Ph.D.

    Sivan Baron, LCSW

    Edward Bartlett, MD
    Max Belkin, Ph.D.
    Jill Bellinson, Ph.D.

    Patricia Bellucci, Ph.D.
    Richard Bennett, Ph.D.
    Janet Benton, Psy.D.
    Phillip Blumberg, Ph.D.
    Candela Bonaccorso, Psy.D.

    Mark B. Borg, Jr., Ph.D.
    Judd Bortner, Ph.D.
    David Braucher, LCSW, Ph.D.
    Richard Briggs, Ph.D.
    Judith Brisman, Ph.D.
    Lawrence O. Brown, Ph.D.

    Tomás Casado-Frankel, LMFT
    Ann B. Chanler, Ph.D.
    Clarence Chen, M.D.
    Karen Chuck, JD, LCSW
    Margaret Crastnopol, Ph.D.
    Rebecca Curtis, Ph.D.
    Eric Dammann, Ph.D.
    Joseph DeMeyer, Ph.D.
    Meryl Weinman Dorf, Ph.D.

    Izzy Eliaz, Ph.D.
    Susan Fabrick, M.A., LCSW
    Debra Farbman, Ph.D.
    Jacqueline Ferraro, D.M.H.
    Ana E. Ferreira, Ph.D.
    Seth Fielding, M.D.
    Roger Frie, Ph.D., Psy.D
    Kevin Fried, Ph.D.
    Helen Fronshtein, Ph.D.
    Emily Fucheck, Psy.D.
    James Garofallou, Ph.D.
    Jose Genua, M.D.
    Bernard Gertler, Ph.D.
    Myron Gessner, M.D.
    Judith Goldberg, Ph.D.
    Shelly Goldklank, Ph.D.
    Diane Goldkopf, Ph.D.
    Ethan Graham,

  • don greif phd in education
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