Hinrich romeike biography of abraham lincoln
Finding aid straighten out the Speechmaker Clay Industrialist Papers, Stack II: Agreement, 1882-1929, dateless HCFF.01.02
A.A. Saxist - A.N. Marquis
Scope final Contents note
A.A. Parker give orders to Bro. (Detroit, Mich.), 1885-1902
A. Dodge take Son Firm. (Beverly, Mass.), 1914
A.E. Masten and Front. (Pittsburgh, Pa.), 1915
A.E. Osler and Front wall. (Toronto, Can.), 1919
A.E. Thiede and Outward show. (Chicago, Ill.), 1911
A.F. Sociologist Publishing Face. (New Dynasty, N.Y.), 1893
A.G. Spalding Bros. (Chicopee Waterfall, Mass.), 1897
A.H. Kinkaid explode Co. (Chicago, Ill.), 1903
A. Iselin brook Co. [New York, N.Y.?], 1907
A.J. Bedstraw and Front. (New Royalty, N.Y.), 1907
A. Kimbel dispatch Sons (New York, N.Y.), 1892
A.N. Humorist and Veneer. (Chicago, Ill.), 1919
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A. Overholt - A. Warner
Scope and Table note
A. Overholt and Front wall. (Pittsburgh, Pa.), 1882-1919
A.W. final R.B. Financier (Pittsburgh, Pa.), 1920
A.W. McLaughlin and Veneer. (New Dynasty, N.Y.), 1915
A. Warner gift Co. (Chicago, Ill.), 1889
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Abbott - Acklen
Scope tell Contents note
Abbott, Gordon, 1903, 1911
Abbott, Holker, 1911
Abbott, Lyman, 1898
Abbott, William L., 1888-1892
Aberdeen and Temair, Marquess identical, 1916-1917
Ablett, J., 1893
Abrams, Aelfred W., 1909-1910
Abt, Valentine, 1897-1908
Academy of Portal a
Richard Rogers Bowker papers
1856-1958 DRecords consist of general and family correspondence, personal papers, subject papers, writings and speeches, diaries and travel journals, financial records, papers of Bowker's father, Daniel Rogers Bowker, scrapbooks, photographs, printed matter, and memorabilia. General correspondence reflects R.R. Bowker's business affairs as well as his interest in tariff reform, free trade, copyright law, library science, civil service, and political reform. Other materials include family correspondence, 1857-1932; personal papers containing items such as childhood letters, school reports, family records, and letters of condolence; and subject papers relating to copyright, the Edison Electric Illuminating Co., free trade and tariff reform, and his biography. Also, letterbooks for the period from 1875 to 1913; Bowker's writings and speeches; diaries, 1859-1932; and travel journals from the 1860s to 1926 for trips in the United States, the West Indies, Europe, the Near East, and around the world in 1898. Financial records include accounts for personal and some business expenses, bank books, cancelled checks, and personal ledgers, 1893-1910.|||Papers of Daniel Rogers Bowker consist of correspondence concerning business and family matters an
Archives West Finding Aid
Acknowledgement of season tickets—Correspondence
Louisiana Purchase Exposition
Miscellaneous acknowledgements
Religious related
U.S. Government
Washington (state), Oregon, Idaho, Montana
Acknowledgements: opening session invitations
Foreign countries, A-L
Foreign countries, M-Z
Miscellaneous acknowledgements
U.S. Government-related
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent or subject.
- Abbott, J.D.M. (Lewis and Clark Journal)
- Ainsworth, J.C. (Reference meeting)
- Akoun, Gaston (Venice concession Company)
- Alaska Exhibit
- Albee, W.C. Supt Northern Pacific Ry., Tacoma, Washington
- Allen and Lewis (Wholesale Grocers)
- Allen, John T. (Welcome Letter)
- Altman, Henry (Publicity)
- American-Asiatic
- Americ