Kypros charilaou biography of christopher
Predictors and health outcomes of cigarette and shisha smoking among men in Gaza: a cross-sectional study
Data availability
The data supporting the findings of this study are available upon request from the Gaza NCD study dataset, in accordance with data sharing policies established by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), the Medical Research Council (MRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and Welcome Trust’s Health Systems Research Initiative (HSRI) (Grant Number: MR/S012877/1).
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Simple Summary
Batoid species are cartilaginous fish commonly known as rays, but they also include stingrays, electric rays, guitarfish, skates, and sawfish. These species are very sensitive to fishing, mainly because of their slow growth rate and late maturity; therefore, they need to be adequately managed. Regrettably, information on life history traits (e.g., length at first maturity, sex ratio, and growth) and abundance are still scarce, particularly in the Mediterranean Sea. In this regard, the present study focuses on the Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean) and aims to improve knowledge gained through scientific survey data. In particular, abundance data, spatial distribution, and some life history traits are herein presented. In the investigated area, the biomass trends of the batoids indicated a slight recovery even if few species showed a depletion. Considering the importance of this taxon for maintaining the marine ecosystem equilibrium, management measures are desirable.
Batoid species play a key role in marine ecosystems but unfortunately they have globally declined over the last decades. Given the paucity of information, abundance data and the main life history traits for batoids, obtained through about three decades of bottom trawl surv