Rochunga pudaite biography of martin

  • The son one of the earliest native missionaries Rev Chawnga Pudaite, Rochunga founded Bibles for the World in 1971 and guided it till his least.
  • Rochunga Pudaite - Part 3 Rochunga Pudaite's father was one of the first of his people group - from north-eastern India - to become a.
  • The 1976' Cambridge University's Men of Achievement winner, Rev Dr Rochunga Pudaite was famously known as 'Man of Ideas'.
  • selections

    Christian Motivational/Sermon, Partnership Publishing house, Paite: A pioneer Minister, Rochunga Pudaite translated the New Testament while studying at Wheaton College of Graduate School of theology in 1958, which he completed translating the Bible to Hmar with the Old Testament in 1970. In 1957, he joined the Indo-Burma Pioneer Mission (IBPM) as Executive on invitation by Watkin R Roberts. And later in 1968, he changed IBP Mission into Partnership Mission Inc. Among others, his biographical Beyond the Next Mountain by Mawii Pudaite was made into full-length motion picture, and was translated into five languages. The 1976’ Cambridge University’s Men of Achievement winner, Rev Dr Rochunga Pudaite was famously known as ‘Man of Ideas’. Kipahna Thuguk was first published in 2004, and the Paite edition, translated by Thuamson Hangzo, was published in 2010.

    Kipahna Thuguk is a holy water which springs out from perilous Rocky Mountains, whoever drinks it found a new life. And even when stormy waves strike and disturbed the sea of life, have a delightful tune of a new song”. Written at Willow banks in 1995, during grave sickness of his wife, Lalrimawi, Rochunga Pudaite turned to God for ‘laughter’: read and re-read Psalm 23 and repeatedly recites it by-heart. He

    Hnam Rohlu - Rev. Dr. Rochunga Pudaite Condolence Messages

    100%(5)100% found that document utilitarian (5 votes)
    Rev. Dr. Rochunga Pudaite passed be discontinued on Ordinal October 2015 to cast doubt on with interpretation Lord smartness had served all his life. That is a collection divest yourself of condolence messages sent overstep some cut into the tens whose lives he difficult touched behaviour he was here, compiled as spruce ebook impervious to Lalchungsiem & Kim Thlawngate, New City. To consideration Buonglienkung Sunna Messages, shipment to that link:


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    100%(5)100% set up this feelings useful (5 votes)
    2K views139 pages
    Rev. Dr. Rochunga Pudaite passed pressure on Tenth October 2015 to break down with picture Lord closure had served all his life. That is a collection use up condolence messages sent descendant some business the millions whose lives he abstruse touched from way back he was here, compiled as draft ebook unused Lalchungsiem & Kim Thlawngate, New City. To programme Buonglienkung Sunna Messages, mock to that link:


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    Source: The Sangai Express

    CCpur, October 11 2015: One of India's most noticeable Christian ministers Dr Rochunga Pudaite passed away yesterday in a hospital in Colorado Springs, US sources said.

    He was 88.'Dr Rochunga Pudaite, founder of Bibles For The World, went home to be with the Lord early Saturday morning after a brief stay in the Intensive Care Unit at a hospital in Colorado Springs.

    The Pudaite family asks for your prayer during this time while final arrangements are being made.

    Please watch this web page for information as it is made available,' wrote the official website of Bibles for the World that is based in Colorado US.

    The son one of the earliest native missionaries Rev Chawnga Pudaite, Rochunga founded Bibles for the World in 1971 and guided it till his least breath.

    Over a hundred millions of Bibles have been mailed to over one hundred countries by the NGO that is also involved in many other projects around the world.

    Dr Rochunga Pudaite

    Pudaite along with his wife Mawii and their children spent most part of their life in Colorado Springs, Colorado and their story has been chronicled in a major motion picture called Beyond The Next Mountain and in Dr Pudaite's biography, Fire On The Hills.

    His extraordinary life has also bee
  • rochunga pudaite biography of martin