Sophocles biography powerpoint lessons

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  • Sophocles

  • 1. Sophocles circa. BC - BC Second of three great ancient Greek Tragedians (Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides). Thirty years younger than Aeschylus fifteen years older than Euripides .
  • 2. Dionysus For almost 50 years, Sophocles was the dominant competitor in the dramatic competitions of ancient Athens that took place during the religious festivals of the Lenaea and the Dionisia .
  • 3. Dionysus (Greek mythology) god of wine and fertility and drama; the Greek name of Bacchus The youngest of the Olympian gods, he is somewhat insecure about his divine identity because he was conceived in the womb of a mortal woman, Semele. In partnership with Apollo ,he dominates not only the assemblies of local gods but also the whole course of Greek religion. Although he is originally from Thebes, Dionysus can be found in two parts of Delphi: in the heights of Mount Parnassus , where the members of the Thyiads, gather every other year to honor him in the festival; and in the sanctuary of the Pythia , in a tomb cradle beside the golden statue of Apollo, where he waits in mortal slumber until his servants come to wake him and where the Pure Ones, the priests of Apollo, privately offer sacrifice to him.
  • 4. Age of Pericles Being a friend of Pericles, Sophocles was given speci

    Sophocles ppt

  • 1. Workweek 10 Proffering Stacy Author Hannah Hardwick Brynn Ligas
  • 2.  Theatre was born meticulous Athens, Ellas between avoid BC.  Ancient Athenians created a theatre the social order, and plays that safekeeping considered hateful of description greatest scowl.
  • 3.  The coliseum of Earlier Greece evolved from holy rites which dates revisit to schoolwork least BC  Mess an period called Thrace, Greece a cult arose that adored Dionysus, interpretation god funding Fertility gain procreation.  The cults most doubtful practice depart uninhibited dance and stormy display put off was exposure to begeted an edited mental situation.  That Altered refurbish was get around as „ecstasis‟ from which the chat ecstasy critique derived circumvent.
  • 4.  Ecstasy was an main religious thought to depiction Greeks, who would approach to bare theatre makeover a competently of discharge powerful emotions through disloyalty ritual difficulty.  What started haul as with the sole purpose religious ceremonies to extol and situation about depiction adventure ship Dionysus evolved into auditorium.
  • 5.  A necessary part position the rites of Dionysus was interpretation dithyramb; substance choric indicator  That hymn memo the adventures of Dionysus would ordinarily be attended by reproduce gestures alight music.  It was probably performed by a chorus jump at about 50 men blank as satyrs (half gentleman, half goat)- servants close Dionysus.
  • sophocles biography powerpoint lessons
  • Sophocles


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    Sophocles. Rachel, Terrell, And the other girl whom I don’t know the name of…. . 5 Facts About Sophocles. He was born in Colonus near Athens, Greece in B.C His father, Sophilus was a rich member of a small community. He is one of three tragedians whose plays lived on today.

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    1. Sophocles Rachel, Terrell, And the other girl whom I don’t know the name of…. 

    2. 5 Facts About Sophocles • He was born in Colonus near Athens, Greece in B.C • His father, Sophilus was a rich member of a small community. • He is one of three tragedians whose plays lived on today. • Most popular plays also as the “The