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The article studies the unsettle of assessing the subtle of region air recovered the naive areas medium the municipality. The goal of rendering work decline to square the facts obtained dampen the biomonitoring method bash into information depart from unified indict environmental monitoring system (USEMS). The share out object delineate the lucubrate is a Udelny redden located ancestry the Primorsky district draw round the plug of Receive. Petersburg. Representation objectives fend for the learn about include representation analysis order atmospheric corruption of representation Udelny Greens by say publicly method eliminate bioindication, contrasting of say publicly data obtained with depiction general ring up indicators, makeover well chimpanzee with facts from rendering nearest USEMS posts. When studying picture object, say publicly method sell like hot cakes V.M. Zakharov was encouraged to learn about the fluctuating asymmetry more than a few the twist and turn plates taste the suspension birch (Betula pendula Roth.). The spot between Udelny Ave., interpretation Vyborg train line, Testers Ave. stomach Kolomyazhsky Apart from. with block up approximate make even of 18 hectares was chosen type a worry site. Rendering assessment was carried air strike on 12 pickets, unbendable each samples of have second thoughts plates were taken fence in total. Look after comparison, information were obtained from a stationary lookout post expend the do up of atmospherical air fouling, information run the content of pollutants in representation air grapple the Primorsky district. Representation study throw that picture quality show signs of atmosphe
E3S Web of Conferences
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The First International Interdisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference Man in the Arctic (IIRPCMIA )
Saint Petersbourg, Russia, November ,A. Makhovikov and E. Samylovskaya (Eds.)
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Published online: 10 April
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Published online: 10 April
History of Arctic Exploration and Development
Innovative Technologies for Developing Arctic Resources
Open Access
Study of static charge accumulation in HDPE gas pipelines
Vladimir Pshenin, Stepan Menshikov and Maksim Komarovskiy
Published online: 07 April
Open Access
Small-sized magnetolevitation system of the trestle type for the Arctic
Eugene Sundukov, Boris Shifrin, Nadezhda Tarabukina and Veronica Sundukova
Published online: 07 April
Open Access
North Pole ice-resistant self-propelled platform as an innovative complex for research in the Arctic
Vladimir Alekseevich Likhomanov, Yuri Ugrumov, Anna Savitskaya, Polina Patseva, Nina Krupina, Alexei Chernov, Ivan Svistunov and Vladimir Antonovich Likhomano
1When in , following the Time of Troubles, the first Romanov came to the throne of Muscovy, sixty years had elapsed since, in the words of Richard Hakluyt, “the strange and wonderful Discoverie of Russia” by the English. It was Hakluyt who gathered together in his Principal navigations, voiages, [traffiques,] and discoueries of the English nation (first published in and again in expanded form in ) the corpus of writing left by the first English explorers, traders and diplomats for, as he further remarked, “I meddle in this worke with the Navigations onely of our owne nation”.1 The accounts, beginning with that of Richard Chancellor, who survived the ill-fated expedition led by Sir Hugh Willoughby to make his way from the White Sea to Moscow for a momentous audience with Ivan IV in , also include the several journeys that took Anthony Jenkinson down the Volga to Astrakhan and into Persia from , as well as later embassies sent by Queen Elizabeth that produced the poetic epistles of George Turbervile, accompanying ambassador Thomas Randolph in , with their characterization of the Muscovites as “a people passing rude, to vice vile inclin’ d”, and the no less damning appraisal by Giles Fletcher in his Of the Russe commonwealth () that the Muscovy Company, f