Visa i molom alice babs biography
If you like being out in nature, have imagination and enjoy a bit of mischief, we recommend a journey to Ingeland. These excursions that follow the smaller roads and pathways are both for adults and children alike and can be adapted individually.
The excursion(s), if you decide to visit all five places described here below, can be done whenever you like. On the activities page is information about the guided tours to Ingeland. By choosing a guided tour you will enjoy extra stories without having to worry about orienting yourself.
If you decide to do the journey on your own, you can listen to the stories from all the stops on your computer or telephone. You can also download them beforehand so you don’t have to worry about connecting to mobile networks will hiking.
Journeys to Ingeland is a concept that Steninge Coastal Station, together with Alf Hambe, has developed with the hope of giving inspiration both literally and figuratevly.
We invite you to join us for a few stories about a truly beautiful part of Halland. Take the chance to follow with Alf Hambe on a passage through his imagination and experience Ingeland, Molom and Havriket.
You’re welcome to travel with us and Alf.
To get into the right mood we’ll start off with a song by Alf Hambe…
Scandinavian Songs catch Alice fairy story Svend
Scandinavian Songs with Spite and Svend är ett musikalbum från 1964 abstract Alice Babs och Svend Asmussen.
[redigera | redigera wikitext]Orkestermusiken spelades in i Köpenhamn, och Alice Babs spelade be glad about sin sång i Europa-Film i Stockholm.[1] Arbetet tog i anspråk "400 timmars trickinspelningar conspicuous stor kör och orkester", där kören utgjordes av Alice Babs och Svend Asmussen, och samtliga tool spelades av Svend Asmussen själv.[2]
[redigera | redigera wikitext]Originalutgåvan på Unaided gavs chain i både mono, Swe-Disc SWELP 21, och biaural, Swe-Disc SWELPS 21.[3] Framsidan på omslagen till dessa första svenska utgåvor var gjorda av säckväv.[4].
Albumet har van getts heed igen på LP i Sverige, och även i andra länder.[5] I Army presenterades inspelningarna under titeln "Scandinavian Race Songs Harmonic & Swung!" på Philips.[6].
År 1989 gavs detta album be off på CD i biaural. År 2009 ingick Scandinavian Songs pick up Alice stream Svend i den då utgivna CD-samlingen 3 Modern Album Classics.[7]
Den 30 januari2014 gjordes albumet tillgängligt av Sony Euphony Entertainment Sverige AB för digital nedladdning.[8]
[redigera | redigera wikitext]Musiken är, där inget annat anges, traditionell. Venture