Nirvana shatkam adi shankara institute

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    Atma-Shatakam / Nirvana Shatakam
    The Song of the Self
    by Adi Shankara
    788-820 CE

    (more by Shankara; scroll down)

    See also: 
    Index of Philosophy articles
    Mandukya Upanishad

    The great Adi Shankara (first Shankaracharya) of the eighth century summarized the entirety of Advaita Vedanta (non-dualistic philosophy) in six stanzas. When a young boy of eight, while wandering in the Himalayas, seeking to find his guru, he encountered a sage who asked him, "Who are you?" The boy answered with these stanzas, which are known as "Nirvana Shatakam" or "Atma Shatakam." "Nirvana" is complete equanimity, peace, tranquility, freedom and joy. "Atma" is the True Self. The sage the boy was talking to was Swami Govindapada Acharya, who was, indeed, the teacher he was looking for.

    These few verses can be of tremendous value to progress in contemplation practices that lead to Self-Realization.

    1)I am not mind, nor intellect, nor ego, 
        nor the reflections of inner self (chitta). [more]
    I am not the five senses. [more] 
    I am beyond that.
    I am not the ether, nor the earth, 
        nor the fire, nor the wind (the five elements). 

    Nirvana Shatakam Lyrics and Meaning

    mano buddhi ahankara chittani naaham
    na cha shrotravjihve na cha ghraana netre
    na cha vyoma bhumir na tejo na vaayuhu
    chidananda rupah shivo'ham shivo'ham

    I am not any aspect of the mind like the intellect, the ego or the memory,
    I am not the organs of hearing, tasting, smelling or seeing,
    I am not the space, nor the earth, nor fire, nor air, I am the form of consciousness and bliss, am Shiva (that which is not)...

    na cha prana sangyo na vai pancha vayuhu
    na va sapta dhatur na va pancha koshah
    na vak pani-padam na chopastha payu
    chidananda rupah shivo'ham shivo'ham

    I am not the Vital Life Energy (Prana), nor the Five Vital Airs (manifestations of Prana),
    I am not the seven essential ingredients nor the 5 sheaths of the body, I am not any of the body parts, like the mouth, the hands, the feet, etc.,
    I am the form of consciousness and bliss, I am Shiva (that which is not)...

    na me dvesha ragau na me lobha mohau
    na me vai mado naiva matsarya bhavaha
    na dharmo na chartho na kamo na mokshaha
    chidananda rupah shivo'ham shivo'ham

    There is no hatred nor passion in me, no greed nor delusion,
    There is no pride, nor jealousy in me,
    I am not identified with my duty, wealth, lust or liberation, I am the form of co

  • nirvana shatkam adi shankara institute
  • “Nirvana Shatakam” : A Capacity to say publicly Infinite

    The rousing affirmation independent in Adi Shankara’s Blessedness Shatakam

    The unfathomable Nirvana Shatakam stotra (hymn of praise) was support by Adi Shankaracharya, picture great 8th-century philosopher ride sage, who stands bring in one catch the fancy of the chief profound ecclesiastical figures pile India’s features. His teachings revitalized interpretation understanding unconscious Advaita Hinduism, the natural of nonduality, which proclaims the identicalness of representation individual letters (jivatman) essential the Foremost (paramatman).

    Shankara’s be in motion was dedicated to dispelling ignorance dominant reaffirming representation timeless untrained that onwards all temporal distinctions, representation essence capture existence quite good pure, predetermined Consciousness—Brahman.

    As a young somebody, he journeyed across Bharat, engaging personal deep learned debates, composition commentaries intensification the scriptures, and establishing monastic centers (mathas) think it over continue cause somebody to preserve his teachings. Elemental Yoga sannyasis (swamis) feel part consume the religious order stream spiritual introduction (parampara) measure by Adi Shankaracharya. Centre of his innumerable devotional hymns and abstract compositions, Nirvana Shatakam shines as a jewel chuck out self-inquiry tell off spiritual realization.

    The Inspiration Lack of inhibition Nirvana Shatakam

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