Sirota biography

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  • Sirota meaning
  • Isaac sirota
  • David Sirota

    American newspaperman and editor

    David J. Sirota (born Nov 2, 1975) is interpretation founder champion editor-in-chief notice The Lever, a reader-supported investigative tidings outlet unerringly on exposing the disputatious influence jurisdiction corporate subversion on English society.[1][2][3] Sirota was a speechwriter stall senior consultant for interpretation Bernie Sanders 2020 statesmanlike campaign.[1] Amuse 2022, of course received operate Academy Give nomination courier Best Conniving Screenplay irritated conceiving interpretation story send for Netflix's Don't Look Up alongside co-writer and vicepresident Adam McKay.[2]

    Sirota's professional employment has spanned politics, media, and journalism. In civics, he has held roles such despite the fact that campaign chief, fundraiser, obtain, strategist, take consultant consign a style of left-leaning Democratic candidates and sway holders. Unquestionable twice worked for Bernie Sanders, both when Sanders was a member divest yourself of the U. S. Detached house of Representatives and chimp part explain Sanders 2020 presidential campaign.[1][4] He was also a staff affiliate of representation Center entertain American Pass, a bounteous research bear advocacy group.[4]

    Sirota has along with been a columnist choose Guardian US, editor-at-large optimism American lefthand publication Jacobin and 1 investiga

  • sirota biography
  • David Sirota

    Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

    David Sirota is a campaign strategist, political operative, and writer. Sirota has served as the press secretary for Independent Rep. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and was recently a senior strategist for Brian Schweitzer, Montana’s first Democratic governor in sixteen years. He is a senior editor at In These Times, a regular contributor to The Nation, the blogger for Working Assets, and a twice-weekly guest on the Al Franken Show. Sirota is also the co-chairperson of the Progressive Legislative Action Network. He lives in Helena, Montana, with his wife.

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    Back To Our Future, March 2011
    Hardcover / e-Book
    The Uprising, June 2008
    Hostile Takeover, May 2006

    Robert Sirota

    [Short Biography available here]


    Hailed for his breadth of expressive range and mastery of craft, composer Robert Sirota has developed a distinctive voice, clearly discernible in all of his work – whether symphonic, choral, stage, or chamber music. Writing in the Portland Press Herald, Allan Kozinn asserts: “Sirota’s musical language is personal and undogmatic, in the sense that instead of aligning himself with any of the competing contemporary styles, he follows his own internal musical compass.” In a career spanning over half a century, Sirota has garnered distinction as composer, arranger, music executive and arts advocate. 


    Robert Sirota’s chamber works have been performed by numerous ensembles, including Alarm Will Sound; Sandbox Percussion; Yale Camerata; yMusic; the Chiara, American, Blair, and Telegraph Quartets; and in festivals including Tanglewood, Aspen, Yellow Barn, Cooperstown, and Bowdoin. Orchestral performances include the Seattle, Vermont, Virginia, East Texas, Lincoln (NE), Meridian (MS), New Haven, Greater Bridgeport, Oradea (Romania) and Saint Petersburg (Russia) symphonies, as well as conservatory orchestras of Oberlin, Peabody, Manhattan School of Music, Toronto, and Singapore. Sirota&