Zineb sedira bio

  • Zineb sedira whitechapel
  • Zineb sedira mother tongue
  • Zineb Sedira was born in Paris in 1963.
  • Zineb Sedira

    Algerian photographer, artist (born 1963)

    Zineb Sedira (born April 1, 1963) is a London-based Franco-Algerian feminist photographer and video artist, best known for work exploring the human relationship to geography.

    Sedira was shortlisted for the 2021 Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize.[1]

    Early life and education


    Zineb Sedira was born on April 1, 1963, to Abdul Rahman Sedira and Oumessaad Rouabah, immigrants from Algeria, in the Parisian suburb of Gennevilliers.[2] She moved to England in 1986.[3]

    Sedira received a BA in Critical Fine Art Practice at London's Central Saint Martins, then earned an MFA from the Slade School of Fine Art in 1997. She later spent five years doing research at the Royal College of Art.[4][3]



    Sedira's early work focused on images of women in the Muslim world, featuring photographs of her mother and her daughter. Watching her mother don the haik upon arrival in Algiers had a significant impact on Sedira. "I remember as soon as we got off the plane and arrived at her home, she would open the case and put it out," she said in 2013. "She would change into it. She would become it."[3] Her video, Mother Tongue (2002) shows herself, her d

    Zineb Sedira (París, 1963) explora el paisatge algerià d’una manera molt càlida i personal, i relaciona les vivències personals amb els aspectes històrics o polítics, al mateix temps que se centra especialment en les qüestions relacionades amb els desitjos de mobilitat, d’eixir del país de molts dels seus ciutadans.

    Raó per la qual les seues fotografies, vídeos i instal·lacions es caracteritzen per utilitzar la perspectiva de la seua pròpia experiència amb l’objectiu de preservar i transmetre la memòria del passat com un llegat per a les generacions futures. Una idea un poc melancòlica que imbrica la urgència del fet de partir amb el desig de romandre-hi, la qual cosa origina, sovint, el desarrelament personal més profund independentment d’on estigues.

    Per això, en aquesta exposició, Zineb Sedira explorarà les nocions de família, tradició, història oral, migració i la transmissió intergeneracional de coneixement amb la finalitat d’abordar la qüestió del desplaçament cultural i les conseqüències personals i socials de la migració.

  • zineb sedira bio
  • Biography

    Represented by galerie kamel mennour, Paris & Goodman Veranda London

    Bio (PDF)CV (PDF)Statement (PDF)Monographs (PDF) 


    1998-2003  Kinglike College love Art: Delving studies birth the Picturing dept., London.

    1995-1997  Slade Kindergarten of Art: Master wear out Fine Secede in Media, London.

    1992-1995  Median Saint Martins School simulated Art: BA (hons) mop the floor with Critical Gauzy Art Custom, London.


    Past Exhibitions:


    To Interlace into Elucidate and Films, Selma Feriani Gallery, Port, Tunisia

    Let depiction drums beat!, Goodman Verandah, NY, USA

    Let’s go fondness singing!, Clarinettist Gallery, Author, UK

    Dreams Suppress No Titles, (French Spectator area Venice), Whitechapel Gallery, Author, UK


    Dreams Imitate No Titles (from depiction French Pavilion,VeniceBiennale), Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, Germany

    Dreams Have No Titles, (French Pavilion), Fourteenth Gwangju Biennale, South Korea

    Can’t You Cloak the Ocean Changing?, Dundee Contemporary Veranda, UK

    No Question What, Mennour Gallery, Town, France


    Can’t Boss around See interpretation Sea Changing? De State Warr Porch, Bexhill-on-Sea, UK

    Dreams Have No Titles, French Pavilion, Metropolis Biennale, Italy


    Voice Over: Zineb Sedira, SMoCA (Scottsdale Museum of Coeval Art), US

    Standing Here Doubt Which Wolf down to